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Category: Memory Care

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How to Talk To Someone With Dementia

An adult child happily enjoys a face-to-face conversation with their parent with dementia over a cup of coffee.

Caring for a loved one experiencing dementia requires adjusting your techniques to caregiving as the condition advances. This means adapting your approach to conversation by making some small changes to communicate with your loved one effectively. When talking to someone with dementia, consider implementing the following tips:  How Dementia Affects Communication Dementia isn’t one singular […]

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I Think My Mom Has Dementia: How To Support Your Parents

An adult child is physically present for their mature parent with dementia.

Caring for a parent with dementia is a rewarding role with a plethora of responsibilities that may appear difficult to manage. As the condition advances, so too will your approach to caregiving. But, you can continue to support your loved one by:  Challenges With Dementia Dementia is often associated with forgetfulness and increasing memory loss, […]

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How to Choose a Memory Care Facility

Choosing the right memory care community is a deeply personal and often overwhelming decision that many family members of a loved one with cognitive impairment face. But it doesn’t have to be. When you identify a loved one’s needs, research senior living options, consider location, evaluate different community services and amenities, visit a community in […]

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Can Someone With Dementia Sign Legal Documents?

Dementia can affect mental capabilities, complicating daily activities and decision-making processes, particularly for older adults. This condition can raise significant concerns when it comes to understanding and consenting to legal documents. Navigating legal matters necessitates clarity and the ability to make well-informed decisions. If an individual retains the legal capacity to manage their affairs regardless […]

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7 Therapeutic Activities for Seniors with Dementia

3 seniors sit together happily painting on plain paper in a bright room.

Caring for a loved one with a memory loss condition can be emotionally draining.  Incorporating therapeutic activities into their daily routine can provide meaningful engagement and improve their quality of life. This blog shares 7 therapeutic activities that can help stimulate the mind and comfort seniors living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. 1. Music Therapy Music […]

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