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7 Therapeutic Activities for Seniors with Dementia

3 seniors sit together happily painting on plain paper in a bright room.

Caring for a loved one with a memory loss condition can be emotionally draining.  Incorporating therapeutic activities into their daily routine can provide meaningful engagement and improve their quality of life. This blog shares 7 therapeutic activities that can help stimulate the mind and comfort seniors living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. 1. Music Therapy Music […]

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Checklist for Moving to Assisted Living

a man and his senior father move boxes

Moving loved ones from their long-time home to a new living situation such as assisted living can be a challenging and emotional journey. It’s a process that demands sensitivity, patience, and understanding. Whether due to declining health, safety concerns, or the need for specialized care, moving loved ones requires careful planning and consideration. A comprehensive […]

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Is Parkinson’s a Disability?

An older adult holding his hand to prevent his tremors spilling the rice from his spoon.

The motor symptoms individuals with Parkinson’s may experience can affect various aspects of their daily routine. Due to the progression of Parkinson’s, there may come a time when your loved one is unable to safely live independently and will require full-time assistance with tasks associated with daily living. The diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease alone does […]

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What Is the Difference Between Assisted Living & Memory Care? 

A female caregiver smiling while assisting an older woman who is laying down in bed

When it comes to senior care, there are various options available depending on an individual’s specific needs. 2 common types of senior communities include assisted living and memory care.  Assisted living is a type of long-term residential care for seniors who need some help with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, and medication management. […]

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