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Category: Assisted Living

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What is Personal Care in Georgia?

A senior couple laughs with each other while having breakfast and coffee outdoors in the sunshine

In Georgia, personal care has taken on a new dimension, especially for seniors seeking comfort, community, and comprehensive support. Personal care is a compassionate and supportive lifestyle crafted for seniors who may benefit from extra assistance with daily activities while cherishing their independence. This type of care is ideal for those who do not wish […]

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What is a Senior Home?

A group of 3 seniors tend to a blooming garden at their community.

As we age, planning for future living arrangements becomes more important, especially when considering long-term care options. One common term you might encounter is “senior home.”  But what exactly is a senior home, and how does it differ from other living options for older adults?  A senior home is a residential community where older adults […]

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10 Fun Activities to Do with Your Elderly Parents in Assisted Living

An individual attempts their hand at painting during a class at an assisted living community

Creating meaningful and enjoyable experiences with your senior parents in assisted living can be incredibly rewarding. These moments not only bring joy but also help strengthen family bonds.  However, coming up with activities to do can be challenging. Try engaging with things your loved one enjoys doing, but you can also try thinking outside the […]

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How to Talk to Parents About Assisted Living

When your parents enjoy being independent but need some help here and there, it’s likely time for assisted living. But this conversation can be a delicate and emotional process—people rarely want to admit that they need some help! It’s important to be open, honest, and supportive about the situation; you’re making an excellent decision to […]

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How to Help Your Senior Parents Downsize

Helping senior parents downsize or prepare for a move to a personal care community can be difficult, but it can also be extremely rewarding. It’s important to approach the situation with empathy, patience, and a plan to help make things easier all around. Many older adults have years of treasured memories and belongings, and it […]

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Checklist for Moving to Assisted Living

a man and his senior father move boxes

Moving loved ones from their long-time home to a new living situation such as assisted living can be a challenging and emotional journey. It’s a process that demands sensitivity, patience, and understanding. Whether due to declining health, safety concerns, or the need for specialized care, moving loved ones requires careful planning and consideration. A comprehensive […]

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