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How Often Should You Visit a Parent in Assisted Living?

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Transitioning into an assisted living community is a big step for our older adult loved ones and their families alike. You might find yourself asking, “What’s the right frequency for visiting my family member in assisted living?” It’s about finding that sweet spot between fostering independence and offering much-needed support.

Here are some pointers to help you figure out the ideal visitation frequency. Start by understanding their unique needs. Then, take into account any external factors. While respecting their need for independence, be ready to adapt to life’s changes. And remember, technology can help bridge the gap between in-person visits. It’s not about how often you’re there, but making sure each visit is meaningful.

Embracing assisted living is a fresh chapter in anyone’s life, but it’s crucial to make sure that our loved ones live with dignity and comfort. Communities like Bellevue Village at Neese Road make this transition easier for everyone involved, thanks to their comprehensive services and experiences

What to Consider When Determining How Often to Visit a Family Member in Assisted Living

Individual Needs

Every older adult’s journey in assisted living varies. It’s influenced by factors such as their health status, emotional state, and personal preferences. The initial step is to comprehend the specific needs and likes of your loved one. 

By maintaining consistent communication with the staff at the assisted living community, you can gain insights into their daily routines and activities. This information can be instrumental in planning your visits in a way that best suits them.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s important to be consistent with your visits, but what really counts is the quality of those visits. Don’t get too hung up on a strict schedule, instead, make every visit count. 

Do things your family loves, really listen when they share their stories, offer comforting touches like a back rub or just hold their hand. By creating positive experiences together, you’re not only strengthening your bond but also enhancing their overall well-being.

Realistic Expectations 

When your family member first transitions into an assisted living community, they may experience feelings of being overwhelmed or distressed due to the change in their daily routine. 

It’s crucial to establish realistic expectations from the beginning as you assist them in adapting to their new environment. Initially, it might be necessary for you to visit more frequently. 

However, as they begin to appreciate the community and adjust to their new way of life, you might find that you can lessen the frequency of your visits.

External Factors

You’ve got a life of your own to live, and things like how far away you live from the assisted living community, what your work schedule looks like, and your other family commitments can all affect how often you can visit. Taking a good look at these external factors can help you figure out a visitation routine that’s not only realistic but also manageable for everyone involved.

Respect Independence

Assisted living primarily focuses on fostering independence while providing essential support. It’s key to find the right harmony between providing help and respecting your loved one’s self-reliance. Frequent visits should enhance their sense of belonging without infringing upon their newly gained independence.

Adapt to Changing Circumstances

During transitions, there isn’t a definitive method to follow. The needs of older adults may alter due to changes in health or emotional states. It’s critical to be aware of these changes in their new lifestyle and adjust your visitation routine as required.

Bridging the Gap with Technology

In our tech-savvy world, there’s a whole bunch of ways to keep in touch, even when you can’t physically drop by. You’ve got video calls, phone chats, texts, or even emails–they can all help you keep connected with your loved one in assisted living if an in-person visit isn’t possible at the time. 

Health Status

The health status of your loved one is a crucial consideration when determining the frequency of visits to an assisted living community. The level of care they need should guide your visitation schedule. 

If they are relatively independent in their daily routines, a weekly visit or two could suffice. However, if their condition necessitates constant supervision or they’re grappling with a medical issue, more frequent visits may be required.

Social Connectivity 

The social relationships your loved one builds in their assisted living community play a crucial role in their general happiness and well-being. 

It may require setting aside some time from your busy schedule, but it’s beneficial to align your visits with the social functions or activities planned in the community. This approach allows your loved one to engage more extensively with the community and enjoy their time there.

A group of senior adults sitting around a table, eating and enjoying breakfast while smiling and chatting with each other

Finding a Visitation Balance in Assisted Living

Figuring out how often to visit a loved one in assisted living isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. It’s all about finding that sweet spot that respects their autonomy, caters to their specific needs, and works with real-world considerations.

Consistent, meaningful visits help create a supportive atmosphere, giving your loved one in assisted living a feeling of connection and well-being. 

The trained professionals at Bellevue Village at Neese Road pride themselves on an all-in approach to providing quality care for your loved one. Schedule a visit today to see how we can support your loved one in our assisted living community.

Written by Angela Clark

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